On April 22nd each year, Earth Day marks the beginning of the modern environmental movement.
The day was created to bring awareness to the world’s climate issues and shed light on the impact that humans are having on the planet.
In other words, Earth Day is your yearly reminder that greenhouse gas emissions are heating up our planet. If things don’t change, we could be facing a full-scale climate emergency, which will have devastating consequences worldwide.
To mitigate this, we need to slow global warming. And to achieve this, we need to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
Carbon emissions come from a number of sectors but a staggering 73 per cent come from energy (electricity, heat, and transport). Because of this, it is an area in desperate need of attention. Transforming the way we use energy is crucial in the journey toward reaching net zero.
And Big Data can help. Here’s how we can use Big Data to transform the energy sector.
Using Big Data to understand energy usage
Understanding where and why a company uses energy is the first step in improving usage, and Big Data can be used to optimise energy consumption in companies. It does this by analysing the patterns of when people are in the office and sharing this information with smart technology to adjust electricity and energy and reduce wastage.
In addition to electricity, an extensive audit can be carried out to assess programs and machinery used to carry out daily tasks. If something can be removed to reduce emissions, it can be identified in the process and alternative clean energy options can be implemented.
What else can Big Data be used for?
As we enter a new digital era, Big Data’s impact on renewable energy has experienced a considerable jump and the trend keeps on growing.
As organisations begin to choose cleaner energy sources, more and more data professionals are taking roles to observe the journey and help influence the sector. Reports show that “clean energy will form 50 per cent of all energy sources by 2050 and Big Data in the clean energy industry can be used to optimise and improve operations”.
When considering the relationship between Big Data and renewable energy, “insights gained from Big Data can inform and highlight countless issues and solutions in the field of renewable energy”.
One clean energy trend that has skyrocketed since the cost of living crisis is solar panels – they’re a brilliant and more accessible way to generate renewable energy, however, weather conditions must be analysed to use them efficiently. Hours of sun, wind speeds, or waves all influence solar panels, and collating data to estimate power generation is helpful in evaluating the effectiveness of solar panels and whether they are worth the investment.
As the costs of renewable energy drop because of technological improvements, the more popular they will become, which in turn will generate a greater demand for jobs in clean energy, particularly solar. High-quality talent will be required to keep the industry at the cutting edge of new technology, analyse the ever-increasing swathes of data being produced and provide predictions for the future.
Renewable energy data roles are becoming a popular career choice that offer the chance to have a positive impact on the environment and businesses. Looking for your next data role? Get in touch with one of our consultants today.