This is Harnham’s weekly news digest, the place to come for a quick breakdown of the week’s top news stories from the world of Data & Analytics.DEVOPS.COM: FOUR KEYS TO DEVELOPING ETHICAL AIAs we see artificial intelligence (AI) being implemented into almost all aspects of the business world, companies are struggling to find ways they can use the technology in an ethical way.Here, ask some important questions that help to ensure this incredible technology is being used as a force for good, from development to implementation.Is this transparent in every way? Developers need to establish a transparent and clear channel of communication to raise concerns and to discuss and deliberate on ethical dilemmas with their team.Have we accounted for risk or exceeded regulatory boundaries? Ensuring your products are future proof means exceeding the privacy regulations and ethical boundaries, not just meeting them.Is this system adaptable? There should always be a contingency plan in place, and developers should build flexible tools that can be adjusted according to any updates or ethical concerns that may arise.Are developer teams prepared to build ethically? Companies need to communicate their ethical intentions by building an infrastructure that equips developers with the training and resources they need to implement ethical standards.While these four questions won’t solve the ethical issues that AI throws up, it will certainly help businesses to prepare for, and build ethical infrastructures that are needed for AI to reach its full potential.To read more, click here.ANALYTICS INDIA MAG: TOP 10 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES USED BY GITHUB REPO CONTRIBUTORS IN 2021In this piece, Analytics India Mag explores the top ten programming languages used by GitHub in 2021. GitHub is the world’s largest code repository and examining which languages they use can help us gain insight into what’s trending in the world of programming and why.To pursue a career in tech, it’s important to first build a solid foundation and understanding of programming languages. Take a look at the list of the top ten programming languages used by GitHub repo contributors in 2021 below.1. JavaScript2. Python3. Java4. Go5. TypeScript6. C++7. Ruby8. PHP9. C#10. CWhich programming language do you use most, and why?To read more, click here.TECH REPUBLIC: THE VALUE OF MENTORSHIP IN A REMOTE WORLDThe world has depended on digital resources and platforms to sustain communication and connectivity over the past two years. While certain aspects of our lives have become more convenient because of this, this has taken its toll on human relationships.In this piece, Tech Republic talks to Michael Litt, CEO of Vidyard a video creation platform, about his experience with mentorship and the programme he developed.”Jobs are more demanding, and hybrid work has meant different expectations and stress and strain,” Litt said. However, formal mentorship programmes are especially important in start-up organisations “to give people the time and space to learn.”Vidyard offers a mentorship programme that supports guidance and learning at all levels. The virtual programme is said to work better remotely than in-person, aiming to expand globally.”I wouldn’t be where I am if [my mentors] hadn’t taken me under their wing when I asked them to,” Litt said. “I believe in the art, and forma and intention is absolutely required. There is no easy path to building a mentor/mentee relationship.”To read more, click here.MARTECHCUBE: A THIRD OF CMOS DON’T TRUST THEIR MARKETING DATAAccording to recent research, over one third of Chief Marketing Officers don’t trust their marketing data.The research, which surveyed 964 marketing professional and data analysts across the US, UK, and Germany, identified some key strategic challenges that CMOs are facing, and their priorities for 2022.One of the biggest issues found between all levels of seniority was time being wasted by manually wrangling data.“Modern marketing can’t afford to wait three weeks for someone to sift through a spreadsheet. A lack of real-time insights – as data is spread across too many siloed locations – compromises the quality of marketing campaigns. By manually wrangling data, businesses not only open themselves up to human error and inefficiency but also commit themselves to a reactive strategy,” said Harriet Durnford-Smith, CMO at Adverity.To build trust within their own data, businesses must invest in their campaign reporting capabilities, have strategic and transparent value propositions, and be able to demonstrate return on investment.To read more, click here. We’ve loved seeing all the news from Data & Analytics in the past week, it’s a market full of exciting and dynamic opportunities. To learn more about our work in this space, contact us at