I have been recruiting in the world of marketing and insight analytics for quite some time now, and from the thousands of conversations I have had with both clients and candidates, I have noticed some significant differences between the people who stand out, and those who don’t. In a market that is booming (and showing no signs of slowing down), there are plenty of opportunities, but with that comes competition. So how do you, as a customer insight analyst, stand out? It all starts with your CV. As obvious as this may or may not seem, it has never been more important to remember that you will never get a second chance to make a good first impression. When applying for a new job within this small but rapidly growing market, this is definitely the case. However, the good news is that with a few tweaks to your CV, you could really stand out amongst the competition. 1. CV format – This is the first point of contact that you will have with your potential new employer, and so you need to make them want to meet you! Therefore, make your work experience clear, including the duration for each position and any internal promotions, as well as ensuring that your full educational background, including grades and any additional courses you have undertaken, are clearly stated. I would also suggest avoiding writing your CV as a story in paragraph format; bullet points are the most effective and make your CV much easier to read. 2. Content – There have been many times when I have had to ask experienced Insight Analysts to fully explain the purpose of the analysis they have been undertaking, the techniques they used to perform the analysis, and the impact that has had on the organisation they have been working in. Insight is invaluable to a company as it adds commercial value and opportunities for growth. The candidates who really stand out and make a hiring manager want to interview straight away, are those who add this into their CV. 3. Skills –A section with your skills listed is great, but it doesn’t actually tell us what you can do with that tool. For example, I often see “Advanced SAS skills”, but what does that actually mean? That you are advanced in manipulating data? Can you build models? Do You use SAS BASE, EG and Miner? You need to be specific, to the point and highlight your commercial acumen when describing any tools or techniques used, as this shows both recruiters and hiring managers that you understand how techniques/tools can add value, increase profit and overall business growth whether it be through loyalty, personalised targeting or similar. If this is not highlighted on your CV then the attraction will not be as strong as those who do. It may seem simple, but in adding these few extra details you can really make you stand out making your job search a much quicker and easier process, often increasing the number of interviews, and therefore opportunities.