This is Harnham’s weekly news digest, the place to come for a quick breakdown of the week’s top news stories from the world of Data & Analytics. TECH NATIVE: HOW THE UK PUBLIC SECTOR CAN OVERCOME DATA SHARING CHALLENGES The value of data and data sharing has recently been highlighted in the UK as a key to helping the country ‘build back better,’ as it has the power to transform lives. However, Tech Native shares three challenges that are hindering data sharing between government agencies – data architecture, the skills gap and non-uniform data governance frameworks. Modernising data architectureThe huge amounts of data created and collected every day by the public sector and government agencies must be shared with trusted parties securely, quickly and accurately. To do this, there must be a secure and standardised open data architecture in place. Addressing the skills gapThe public sector often still operates on outdated computing software and systems, and lacks the skills needed to transition to modern data architecture. However, many in the sector have strong existing analytical and statistical skills that could be nurtured, with the right resources and tools, to bridge into modern analytics and data science roles. Building strong and resilient governance frameworks While the capacity for innovation exists within the public sector, COVID-19 highlighted the structural barriers and silos of closed data in government. To move with agility, the government needs to move to open, flexible, and strong governance frameworks where trust in the capability of data sharing can improve. To read more about this, click here. INFOSECURITY: #SAFERINTERNETDAY: TACKLING ONLINE ABUSE AND CYBER-BULLYING This year for Safer Internet Day, InfoSecurity examines the significant increase in cyber issues experienced globally over the last few years, particularly cyber-bullying and abusive online behaviour. The rise in internet usage has provided many benefits, but it has also created some complex and unprecedented digital issues. InfoSecurity has shared three actions online users can take to avoid abuse and help to prevent negative behaviours in their own online communities. Limiting how much personal information you make available onlineBlocking and reporting any bad behaviours you come across Reviewing how you behave on the internet and the changes you could make The internet is an incredible space that has improved our lives in many ways, however surging online abuse and bullying means more limitations will be put in place. Governments and tech firms should continue to work with internet users to take action to clean up the digital world, creating a safer environment. To read more about this, click here. TRAVEL DAILY NEWS: DATA VISUALISATION HELPS HOTEL BOOST GUEST SATISFACTION Hotel management software SIHOT was created by data visualisation company Zeus, and is enabling hotels to be more responsive to market changes and guests needs with innovative data visualisation, Travel News Daily has reported. The software system provides an intuitive and centralised dashboard, available to all staff, where they can access full guest details, giving them the ability to provide enhanced personal interactions. With this real-time data access, hotels are able to improve personalised guest experiences, leading to higher satisfaction scores. Spanish hotel VIVOOD has also been able to make faster and more accurate operational decisions by reviewing the impact of key customer touchpoints using the software’s two-way exchange of data. “A hotel’s success depends on making the right decisions from optimal data management. VIVOOD’s vision demonstrates the value of the comprehensive data we make available to all our customers.” said Vicente Castillo, Project Manager at Zeus. To read more about this, click here. HIT CONSULTANT: TOP FIVE DATA MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES HEALTHCARE ORGANISATIONS FACE Data is a great asset for healthcare organisations when managed properly. However due to the volume of data healthcare generates, managing it has become increasingly difficult. Below, HIT Consultant lists the five most common data management challenges that healthcare organisations typically face.How do you maintain security and compliance in accordance with HIPAA? How do you maintain data quality? How do you ensure data availability? How do you find qualified staff to use these complex systems? How do you decide which healthcare data management tool to use? The increased demand for data tools and technology have led to enhanced data automation, integration and preparation, allowing healthcare data management professionals access to more data in less time. To read more about this, and discover some of the possible solutions to these challenges click here. We’ve loved seeing all the news from Data & Analytics in the past week – it’s a market full of exciting and dynamic opportunities. To learn more about our work in this space, get in touch with us at