This is Harnham’s weekly news digest, the place to come for a quick breakdown of the week’s top news stories from the world of Data & Analytics.ADT Mag: What makes the most successful software engineering teams?New research published by continuous integration and delivery platform, CircleCI, has identified several different benchmarks it claims are often met by the highest performing engineering teams. The research, “2022 State of Software Delivery Report”, outlines the following attributes of the most successful teams:They prioritise being in a state of deploy-readiness, rather than looking at the number of workflows runThey kept their workflow durations to between five to ten minutes on averageThey recover from any failed runs by fixing or reverting in under an hourThey have success rates above 90 percent for the default branch of their applicationThe report’s author, Ron Powell, who is the research company’s manager of marketing insights and strategy, said: “To achieve top-performing status costs time and money, but it’s clear that more organisations are realising that it’s worth the investment.“Business leaders that outfit their teams with the most… powerful tools allow their software teams to be engines of innovation, unlocking new ways for their entire company to operate more effectively and opportunities to get better products to customers sooner.”The report also listed some of the baseline metrics engineering teams should be targeting to deliver software at scale: duration, mean time to recovery, throughput, and success rate. The report’s findings are based on millions of workflows and revealed that the most effective teams are larger and incorporate significant testing into their DevOps strategy coupled with the four benchmark metrics. To read more about this, click here.Analytics Insight: Top eight computer vision techniques entwined with deep learning Computer vision has shown exciting potential in the advancement and capturing of healthcare practices and medical imaging. However, as the technology advances, there’s an increasing variety of medical applications becoming available. To run computer vision in these applications, picture identification and privacy-preserving deep learning will need to be implemented. According to Analytics Insight, Edge AI will play a critical role in transferring deep learning from the cloud to the edge by understanding video streams in real-time without transmitting sensitive visual data to the cloud. Here are some of the computer vision techniques intertwined with deep learning being used in healthcare:Tumor detectionMedical imagingCancer detectionMedical trainingCombating Covid-19Health monitoring Machine-assisted diagnosisTimely detection of diseaseTo read more about this, click here. The Drum: How brands can use social listening to stay dynamic Technology and trends are constantly evolving, and brands need to adapt quickly to these changes to keep up – but how can they identify the changes in time to stay ahead of the curve?Traditional research takes time and is often retrospective, brands should instead be utilising digital data and relying on online conversations through social listening analytics to gather immediate insights directly from their consumers.Social listening allows brands to convert large volumes of online conversation and related data into quantifiable insights. Social media is an essential tool for organisations to sustain a dynamic approach to keeping up to date with market trends and customer demands. Understanding what is being spoken about and searched for, in a positive or negative light can lead to successful, data-led decision making and business moves. To read more about this, click here.Dataconomy: Six best data governance practices Data governance is the way in which organisations manage, utilise, and protect their data – the who, what, when, where, and why of company data. But what do Data Governance practices help with? Having a strong Data Governance strategy is essential in establishing who has control and power over data assets and involves different people, procedures, and technology to handle and protect the data. In this piece, Dataconomy shares its top data governance practices to ensure successful collection, storage, and utilisation of your data. Begin small and work your way up to the big pictureGet business stakeholders on boardDefine Data Governance team roles To measure progress, use metricsEncourage open and frequent communicationData Governance is not a project; it’s a method Businesses all over the world are still in the early phases of understanding the value and importance of data-driven decision making. It’s essential for them to implement strong methods and policies to ensure success at the beginning of their data governance journey to make the most out of their data. To read more about this, click here. We’ve loved seeing all the news from Data & Analytics in the past week, it’s a market full of exciting and dynamic opportunities. To learn more about our work in this space, get in touch with us at