It’s just a couple of weeks into the new year and many have made or are thinking about resolutions. We all plan for the new year and are full of purpose late on December 31st but find our goals head south by February. Not this year. This is the year we’ll stick to our plans, our resolutions, our objectives. Whatever you choose to call it, there is always room for improvement in making sure what we envision for the year comes to pass. What else happens when we make our resolutions? We ask ourselves questions. So, we’ve got only two for you to think about. Where are you now and where do you want to be? Whether you want to gain in-demand skills in hopes of a promotion or are ready to take the next step into a new role, we’ve got you covered. Here are 7 In-Demand Skills for 2022 Data demands tech skills and higher education. It’s difficult to get started in such a demanding field or take the next step toward a promotion or new role without understanding the fundamental concepts.Educate Yourself. Though most Data Scientist positions require a Master’s degree or PhD, others may also consider a Bachelor’s degree as long as it fits one of the following majors – Computer Science, Engineering, Math, or Economics just to name a few. Think STEM majors and you’ll be on the right track. Wondering where to start? Here are 10 certification courses to consider to get your foot in the door or take the next step on your career path.What Language Will You Speak? Consider these in-demand computer languages for Data Scientists or really anyone who interacts with Data should have a working knowledge of these languages. Some may surprise you.• Python – this is one of the most used languages in the world by Data Scientists and is also a language that links itself to AI. As established as it is, its cornered the market on both defined businesses and those that have their pulse firmly on the future.• SQL/NoSQL – Much like Python, SQL is a well-established language and commonly used when calculating relational Data. But there’s a flipside to it and non-relational SQL is a new standard that Data Scientists will want to be able to understand and know when and which to use these databases.• MS Excel – The basis of the macro repeatable tasks that are necessities to everyday business. Things like payroll and project management run on Excel’s programming language, VBA. Also within Excel, you can conduct statistical modelling, Data analysis, and craft PivotTables which allow Data Scientists to draw conclusions from raw data.• Additional Skills and Languages – Java, Scala, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and big Data processing using Spark or Hadoop.Natural Language Processing/Machine Learning – Now you’ve got the computer languages down how do you bridge the gap between human and machine understanding? NLP is within the realm of artificial intelligence and is what makes the field function. Noticing a theme when it comes to artificial intelligence (AI)? Anything that helps you help your business improve when it comes to this type of functionality is a skill to be gained and honed. The next step for you could be the next step for the world.Data Visualization – If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much more is it worth when the numbers can paint a picture for your business? We are naturally attuned to understand visuals over dashboards, so using tools like Tableau, Infogram, and Google Data Studio can help marketers, decision-makers, and businesses analysts grasp heavy amounts of data quickly. This is one of the best ways to share actionable insights and give your non-technical team members something to follow as you explain your findings.Social Media Mining – This is where the rubber meets the road in the metaverse and in the real world. This is where businesses learn what audiences want and need, and the insights derived from those Data professionals who can mind social media sites for this information.Communication – Outside technical skills, the most important skill to hone is communication. If management isn’t taking your advice and suggestions, you feel like you’re not getting the support you need, or it seems no one is grasping what you’re trying to tell them, it may be time to consider how and what you’re saying. The ability to translate complex topics to non-technical professionals so they can make decisions based on your insights is as in-demand as any technical skill, if not more in demand. Teamwork – The life of a Data Science professional has long left behind the siloed professional who speaks the tech jargon non-technical professionals may not understand. But with data visualization, communication skills, a bit of business savvy, and a hearty appetite for collaboration, you may find that teamwork really does make the dream work. Too much? Laugh it off and discover the creative possibilities when a team works together toward a greater goal. Ready to help your business move forward? Add these in-demand IT skills for 2022 and see where it can take you. Having a good grasp of the skills you need now and will want to build on for your future is the next step forward in your career path. If you’re interested in Big Data, Analytics, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning just to name a few, Harnham may have a role for you. Check out our latest data jobs or contact one of our expert consultants to learn more. For our West Coast Team, contact us at (415) 614 – 4999 or send an email to For our Mid-West and East Coast teams contact us at (212) 796-6070 or send an email to